Saturday, August 15, 2009

Didn't know that the Sundance Film Festival had a Youtube page but they do. They had this segment on classic short films so i watched one that i really liked. It was called Gowanus, Brooklyn. Its about an unlikely friendship between a black inner city kid in New York City and a young white teacher who happens to be addicted to crack. Its a story about unlikely similarities in people. Great short but anyway it inspired the feature film by the same director and features a score by a Canadian band called Broken Social Scene...So i looked them up and listened to their stuff and it was pretty good so take a listen. Yeah this is just one example of the many ways I find this obscure music and stuff...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Black Artist

Alright its been awhile and Im starting to go through withdrawl so here is my long awaited post. I am deciding to highlight an older black artist by the names of Romare Bearden. Born in my city and raised in NY this artists used collage prints primarily depicting the African American South during the mid 20th century. Here is a piece called "The Calabash". This piece currently sits in the library of Congress so next time you find yourself there be sure to check it out in person.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I told myself I would post everyday but yeah its only been a day...No one reads my blog anyway so it really doesn't matter. Anyway for those adoring fans of my blog who were wondering where i have been the only explanation I can give is that I have been feeling pretty unmotivated and not very inspired to write anything. i was gonna talk about the fact that the headline says that i like fashion but I haven't posted any fashion pics yet. Oh...well...its looks like I did just write about that huh? yeah I did. Anyway I watched the movie "The Soloist" the other day and was kind of inspired but decided not to write about it but I figure what the hell.

After I watched that movie I was very much touched by the overall message but my favorite part was when the character Anthony Ayers (Jamie Foxx) got to sit in on a practice of a professional orchestra and when he heard the concerto he was he was mentally transported to a world not of this earth but a place of pure euphoria. It was a place that I have been many times before but never really knew what was going on. For me to listen to beautiful music is an experience and not a pastime. Its almost as if something happens in me chemically and nothing can bother me in that moment. I know there is nothing else I would want than to spend my life surrounded by it. For me its like looking at the most beautiful women you've ever seen and loving her having not met her.

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Dead Weather "Treat Me Like Your Mother"

This video combines 2 of my very favorite things, Music and film and before you say, no shit its called a music video, this is actually a short film by the band for the song...ok well maybe you call that a music video. Either way I loved the song and the film. Very creative. Check it out and also check out Dead Weather's new album "Horehound". Im reading good reviews on it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Real World for new filmakers

I just happened to come across this during my web browsing. A video blog called the Sundance Directors Lab. It is a video web series highlighting the trial tribulations and triumphs of 8 new filmakers as they learn about themselves and their craft in a sort of retreat situation in the mountains of Utah.

I am but a lowly musician but I have always been interested in the magic of film and movies have always had a profound affect on me. Its really interesting to get a fresh perspective of these young new artists and how they go about this process. Granted i have only seen the first episode but I plan to watch all of them. Maybe one day I can make a movie. Who knows?

Click this link to get to the first episode and enjoy...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Super Dope Graffiti Art!

These are some pieces from a famous graffiti and sculpture artist that I heard about when I was in London. Going by the name of Banksy, he stays anonymous and tags different buildings in various parts of London, some major European cities and some far east cities as well. He is known for having a compelling witty and sometimes hilarious political commentary associated with his works. Super inspirational even to a musician like me. I often get inspired by visual art especially when it is as compelling and as creative as this is. It just makes u wanna think outside the bounds of what you've been told. Banksy is one of the artistic geniuses of our generation. If you dont know him, PLEASE GET ON THAT.

His art is being exhibitted until August 31 at the Bristol Museum click the hyperlink on his name to jump to his website and learn more about the artist, his pieces and the exhibit. Free Admission. Damn I wish I was in London. I'd def be there.

Check out this trailer to his exhibit called Banksy vs The Bristol Museum.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Funny People Review

Just saw this movie tonight and really enjoyed it. Its a story of a pre-midlife comedian George Simmons (Adam Sandler)who has built a great career and life but unfortunately has been living it alone. Classic case of money can't buy you love type of deal. Early in the movie, he finds he has a rare case of leukemia and has a slim chance of surviving. Needless to say this puts him in sort of an introspective funk in which he starts stand-up again. This is where he meets Ira (Seth Rogan) who is a not-so-up-and-coming comedian/part-time grocery store deli worker and regular of the comedy club amateur night. After watching Ira's stand-up show George makes Ira his assistant and joke writer and from there the story takes interesting and hilarious turns while Georges and Ira struggle to figure out what they want out of life.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

"Mykonos" by Fleet Foxes

Here's a pretty cool music video where they use stop motion and folded paper. Pretty unique. Oh yeah, and the band is pretty dope too. I def recommend them.

"Life Moves Pretty Fast" By Nadeem


When I was in London I had the privilege of stumbling upon an artist called "Nadeem". He is known for a unique use of shadows and perspective to create depth and emotion. I got to see the pic above when I was there. I was really impressed for some reason. I love how all of his characters are basically the same representing humanity's similarities while each character somehow has there own sense of individuality. I feel in love with his work when I saw it and figured I'd share it. This piece is called "Life Move's Pretty Fast". Reminds me of my favorite line from Ferris Bueller.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Ella's Fitzgerald Round Midnight

MJ's Music and Jazz

Hello world, I am back again after a couple weeks of not blogging. Since Michael Jackson's death I have developed an understanding and appreciation of his music and his abilities that I didn't have before. I have gone back and listened to some songs of his more deeply and its amazing how some of them (even the extra funky dance joints) can touch you. A lot of times I stumble upon different music or listen to music in a "6 degrees of separation" kind of way for example I was listening to's "Songs about Girls" album which reminded me that he worked with Michael Jackson which made me go back and listen to my favorite of that collaboration, "The Girl is Mine 2008".

I kind of got away from what I was gonna talk about originally so I will make a shift real quick. I was going to talk about what happened to me recently. Speaking of music that can touch you, I kind of lost sight of the fact that some music can touch you every single time. What I'm trying to say is that sometimes music hits you initially and is refreshing and new and surprising and at that moment you feel that you can listen to forever. Then you try....and unfortunately you were mistaken, that feeling you felt the first time can never be recreated. Even if you go back and listen to after a long period of time. Well, this is how I realized that I am in love with Jazz. After an amazing trip to Philly in early June where I saw The Roots perform the most amazing set Ive ever seen, I went into a music listening frenzy looking up every act I saw and finding the most obscure indie music I could get my hands on. After a month long period of discovery. I decided to return to my first love and I went on YouTube punching in Ella Fitzgerald's name. I was excited seeing that she had a cover of "Round Midnight". After listening to her amazing command of the melody and deep expression of the lyrics, honestly I almost cried. There are a number of reason for the single "Glory" tear that fell from my eye. For one, I haven't heard a song sung better in a long time but also the tear came from the disappointment that this type of writing and singing is virtually extinct and every word she sang is now piece of music history that I can never experience personally. This is when I realized that Jazz is the only music that, to its core, can evoke emotion in me like no other. The chords are designed to touch the heart unlike any other type of music in my opinion but it can only touch you if you let it. Its a very intimate music. You must open yourself to it to get the full understanding of it.

Take a listen to this post above and see if you dont get the same feeling.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Im new at this

This site is designed to share some of the extraordinary things that I witness everyday. I have a pretty thorough knowledge of music and I love to find new bands and genres and appraoches to music. If I wasn't a musician I would probably be in film...I still have this kinda dream to be a film director (but its just a dream) so u may find some interesting videos on here. I love making videos of me and friends and the random things we get into...kinda feeds my desire to be a film director.

Im sure you have already noticed that this blog is entitiled "Discovery's of an Art fiend", this is because I am pretty much addicted to anything art related whether music, visual art, dance, film, theater, I cant get enough of it. I hope that through this blog I can inspire others to look at art differently and possibly take a look at some things that they otherwise would never know about. For me that is the appeal of art. It gives me an opportunity to take a glimpse into the minds of truly creative people. So take a look. Hope you enjoy.